Eric L. Holland, Superintendent Rome City School District |
Eric L. Holland, Superintendent Rome City School District |
Rome City Schools recently concluded School Board Appreciation Week with a breakfast meeting attended by the Rome High and Rome Middle School Superintendent Students Advisory Councils and some board members. This event provided an opportunity for students and board members to meet, interact, and engage in discussions.
Seniors Bo Bushnell and Adriana Churchill led a question-and-answer session where students inquired about the board members' day jobs, their interests, and their motivations for serving on the board of education. Board members Toni Blanchard, Pascha Burge, Jill Fisher, and Alvin Jackson participated in the breakfast, although Jackson had to leave early due to a prior commitment.
“One of my favorite parts about being a board member is getting the chance to go to schools and interact with students,” Burge stated. Fisher echoed this sentiment, expressing her enjoyment of being around students and her honor in participating in graduation ceremonies.
Blanchard highlighted the rewarding nature of addressing concerns within Rome City Schools: “Being able to hear about the many great accomplishments in Rome City Schools and being able to hear about concerns and being able to address those is very rewarding.”
Bushnell informed the board that the advisory councils meet throughout the school year to discuss issues affecting both high school and middle school students. He shared his favorite moment on the council involved discussions about plans for the new Rome Middle School.
Eighth-grader Eleanor Cornejo recalled a recent council meeting with Rome City Commissioners as surreal: “The last meeting we had with the city commissioners was so surreal to me. We had a chance to talk to the mayor... This council is a good opportunity for us to come together and really put our voices out.”
Junior Natalia Jones asked board members about their daily routines. Blanchard described her role as a probation officer while also handling school-related communications. Burge mentioned her contract work post-retirement along with her family commitments. Fisher spoke of her community involvement alongside supporting her husband’s dental practice.
Superintendent Dr. Eric L. Holland commented on communication between governance teams: “As a governance team, we send weekly memos... The board also sets the budget...” Churchill emphasized student representation: “Our mission as a council is to speak for these communities...”
As classes resumed, Dr. Holland encouraged continued student engagement: “We can’t fix everything but please continue to share your voice because your voices are power.”