Abbotts Hill Elementary School | Abbotts Hill Elementary School
Abbotts Hill Elementary School | Abbotts Hill Elementary School
Each fiscal year as directed by the Board, FCS develops allotment formulas and guidelines for all schools within the district. School-based budgets are based on these allotment guidelines, which are developed with principal input. For FY2024, FCS continues to focus on aligning budget requests and outcomes to the district’s priorities. This approach still allows FCS to use an all-inclusive and open budget development process so school-based programs throughout the district are sufficiently and equitably funded. At the present time, the district recommends maintaining elementary, middle, and high school class size at its current ratio.
However, the recommended guidelines reflect changes to current formulas, including hiring campus security associates, custodians and EIP teachers, and staffing the district's new LEAP (K-5 behavior support) program. Click here to view details regarding School Allotment Guidelines.
Original source can be found here