The Rome Middle School Show Choir, known as Grand Illusion, is preparing to embark on its competitive season with a performance that promises to take audiences on a musical journey. The group recently staged a show for elementary students at the Rome High School Performing Arts Center, in preparation for their first competition at the Diamond Classic in Albertville, Alabama.
Grand Illusion's performance features students dressed in leather jackets and aviator sunglasses as they sing and dance through a 20-minute show. The theme of the show revolves around various modes of travel, an idea conceived by Director Lacy Dockery and JoAnna Parker. "We knew that we wanted to do something that had to do with different types of travel," Dockery explained. "It's kind of like planes, trains, and automobiles."
The choir began rehearsing in late July with a week-long choreography camp before school resumed. Since then, they have been perfecting their routine. Dockery noted the intensity of the preparation: "They've been doing all these songs since July."
The group has several competitions lined up this season in locations such as Opelika and Auburn, Alabama, and Nashville. Dockery mentioned that many members are new to this experience: "There's actually a lot of our group that has never done anything like this before."
Choreographer JoAnna Parker expressed her favorite aspect of the show: "My favorite part about the whole show is the excitement they have leading into getting started and the smiles on their faces when they’re finished." She emphasized how rewarding it is to see their hard work come together.
In addition to upcoming competitions, Grand Illusion will perform at the Three Rivers Show Choir Competition at Rome High School on February 22nd and will conclude with a performance at the city auditorium on March 13th.
For now, Grand Illusion looks forward to engaging audiences as they continue their journey through competition season.